Albany Park Baptist Church

To know Jesus and to make Him known


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021016 sermon - Matthew 15_29-39.mp3
An Inclusive Community - Matthew 15:29-39 - Carole uses the story of feeding the 4000 to explain what it means to be an inclusive community and exhorts us to be approachable and trusting like Jesus.

Carole Farley
Inclusive Community

270316 sermon - Matthew 3_16-4_1.mp3
Matthew 3:16-4:1 Easter - so what? - Craig challenges to let the expiration of Jesus be our inspiration so that people see the risen Christ in us.

Rev Craig Downes
Easter - so what?

060316 sermon.mp3
Listen with Mother - Matthew 23:27-29 Carole reminds us that just like Mothers, God laments over us when we don't listen and make wrong choices. We need to use this Lent period to listen more to

Carole Farley
Listen with Mother

291115 sermon.mp3
Scandal - tell everyone Matthew 2: 1-6 - Craig begins our Advent series with a reminder that most people see the Christmas story through tinsel tinted glasses and do not appreciate the scandal it was.

Rev Craig Downes
Scandal - tell everyone

200915 sermon.mp3
Everything from nothing - Matthew 14:13-21 - Craig uses the story of the feeding of the 5000 to remind us that even when we think we have nothing, God can take the little we have and transform it into

Rev Craig Downes
Everything from Nothing

210615 sermon.mp3
Fatherhood - Matthew 1:18 - 24 On Father's Day, Craig used Joseph to illustrate the qualities of a good father and the example of our heavenly Father.

Rev Craig Downes

080315 sermon.mp3
Breaking with Tradition - Matthew 15:1-20 As we broke with tradition this morning by integrating the AGM into our morning worship Craig urged us not to be legalistic and bound by man-made traditions w

Rev Craig Downes
Giving up traditions

141214 sermon.mp3
Time to change - Matthew 6:19-34 Continuing the Christmas Carol story, Craig looks at the ghost of Christmas to come and reminds us that we have the opportunity to refocus of those things that are mor

Rev Craig Downes
Time to change

051014 sermon.mp3
The Parable of the Talents - Matthew 25:14-30 A blend of interview with Sam King MBE and TV video clips emphasise how God calls each one of us to use our talents, whatever the obstacles, and to work f

Rev Craig Downes and Sam King
The parable of the talents

280914 sermon.mp3
Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35) - Craig reminds us of the torment we cause to ourselves and others by our lack of forgiveness.

Rev Craig Downes

140914 sermon.mp3
A Harvest of Fruit - Craig uses the parable of wheat and tares from Matthew 13 to remind us that Harvest Thanksgiving is more than just the food we eat but also the Fruit of the Spirit that we grown f

Rev Craig Downes
A Harvest of Fruit from within

070914 sermon.mp3
Matthew 13: 47-50 Finding treasure - As we prepare for our Harvest weekend Craig reminds us that we all have a part to play in being fishers of men and we need to use some old treasures as well as the

Rev Craig Downes
Finding Treasure

310814 sermon.mp3
Treasure for life - Matthew 13:44-46 Craig talks about the treasure we have in knowing Jesus giving us value for life rather than value for money.

Rev Craig Downes
Treasure for Life

130414 sermon.mp3
Palm Sunday - Matthew 21: 1-17 - Comparing the two processions going into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Craig asks which course are we following.

Rev Craig Downes
Palm Sunday

160314 sermon.mp3
The Disciples' Prayer - Matthew 6:5-15 Craig unpacks Christ's teaching on prayer and brings a deeper understanding to the Lord's Prayer.

Rev Craig Downes
The Disciples' Prayer

020314 sermon.mp3
Love your enemy - Matthew 5:38-48 In the final sermon in the series on the Sermon on the Mount Craig reminds us that we shook strive to conform to the likeness of God, showing grace in all we do.

Rev Craig Downes
Love your enemy

230214 sermon.mp3
Challenging our thoughts - Matthew 5: 21-30 - Continuing the Sermon on the Mount, Craig reminds us that there are not degrees of sin - our judgemental attitudes, lustful thoughts and lack of forgivene

Rev Craig Downes
Challenging our thoughts

160214 sermon.mp3
Salt and Light - Matthew 5:13-20 Continuing the series on the sermon on the mount Craig encourages us to be salt and light and not the bland leading the bland.

Rev Craig Downes
Salt and Light

090214 sermon.mp3
Beautiful Attitudes Part 2 Matthew 5: 8-12 - Craig continues his series on the Beatitudes reminding us that purity of heart is the core to God's blessings.

Rev Craig Downes
Beautiful Attitudes Part 2

020214 sermon.mp3
Beautiful attitudes Matthew 5: 1-7 Leading us into the Sermon on the Mount, Craig explains the beautiful attitudes that will bring us true blessing.

Rev Craig Downes
Beautiful Attitudes

260114 sermon.mp3
Come, follow Me Matthew 4:12-23 Craig uses the four Gospel accounts to show how individuals respond to the call to follow Jesus and what it means to be a disciple.

Rev Craig Downes
Come, follow Mw

190114 sermon.mp3
Willpower - Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus resists the temptations of the devil in the wilderness unlike the Israelites who wanted everything in their time and their way. Jesus teaches us to do things Gods way

Rev Craig Downes

120114 sermon.mp3
Matthew 3 - Whats your role? Craig uses the story of the Baptism of Jesus and the analogy of Sci Fi films to ask what role are you playing in Gods plan?

Rev Craig Downes
What role are you playing?

011213 sermon.mp3
Getting Ready - Matthew 1 - On the first Sunday of Advent, Craig reminds us that Jesus calls the most unlikely people to follow Him and go for Him.

Rev Craig Downes
Getting ready

250813 sermon 2 - Matthew 25v1-13.mp3
Ready and Waiting - Matthew 25v1-13 Geraldine reminds us that there will be a time of testing when Jesus returns and that the door will be closed to those who are not ready and waiting.

Geraldine Alliston
Ready and waiting

210713 sermon.mp3
The Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20 Craig reminds us of the command in all the gospels to go and make disciples, to baptise and teach all that Jesus had commanded.

Craig Downes
The Great Commission

310313 sermon - Matthew 2757-62 28.mp3
Still open for business Matthew 27:57-62; 28:1-10 Although many of Jesuss followers thought that the crucifixion was the end, the Resurrection showed that Jesus was still open for business.

Rev Peter Clarke
Still open for business

170313 sermon - Matthew 1529-39.mp3
Compassion of Jesus - Matthew 15:29-39 Peter uses the story of the feeding of the four thousand to show the compassion of Jesus, His desire to satisfy us and the need for His disciples to give what th

Rev Peter Clarke
Compassion of Jesus

100313 sermon - Matthew 625-34.mp3
The worry free life - Matthew 6:25-34 Joel reminds us of the futility of worry and instead points us to seek a relationship with Jesus in whom we can put our trust.

Joel Schofiled
The worry free life

100213 sermon.mp3
Challenges for the Church - Matthew 18 - Peter uses this passage to highlight the requirements for good leaders and good members - servanthood, self control, shared pastoral care and forgiveness.

Rev Peter Clarke
Challenges for the Church

200113 sermon - Matthew 51-16.mp3
Salt and Light - Matthew 5:1-16 Peter compares salt and light to health and safety and concludes that one small step to Jesus is one great leap for salvation and transformed lives

Rev Peter Clarke
Salt and Light

251112 sermon - Matthew 23.mp3
The Seven Woes - Matthew 23 - Geoff compares Jesuss criticism of the Jewish establishment for its legalism and hypocrisy with similar examples in public life and the church today.

Geoff Waller
The Seven Woes

300912 sermon - Psalm 24 Matthew 9.mp3
The fields are white unto harvest - Psalm 24 Matthew 9:35-38 For our harvest sermon Peter reminds us of the harvest if souls to come and our role as workers helping to bring the harvest in

Rev Peter Clarke
The fields are white unto harvest

150712 sermon Matthew 6:5-15.mp3
Matthew 6:5-15 Unanswered prayer - Gods world and how it seems to work - with common sense, contradiction, the laws of nature, human experience and doctrine

Rev Mike Stanbrook
Unanswered prayer Part 1

010712 sermon.mp3
Discovering our place in Gods plans Matthew 5:1-20. Peter shows through the Sermon on the Mount how followers of Christ need to be both salt and light in a corrupt and dark world.

Rev Peter Clarke
Discovering our place in Gods plans

030612 sermon - Matthew 2233-40.mp3
Matthew 22:33-40 - Adjusting your focus - Peter uses Jesuss encounter with the Pharasees and Saducees to show how religious people can easily get their focus wrong and how we need to adjust ours.

Rev Peter Clarke
Adjusting your focus

250312 sermon - Matthew 625-34.mp3
Winning the war against worry Matthew 6:25-34 David encourages us not to worry about material things but to seek first the Kingdom of God in the assurance that God will provide for us.

David Hares
Winning the war against worry

041211 sermon - Matthew 21-12.mp3
Matthew 2:1-12 Geoff asks whether, like the Magi, we are prepared to meet Jesus this Christmas.

Geoff Waller

170411 sermon - Matthew21v1-11, Zech.mp3
Neil uses the Palm Sunday story to highlight how we can try to impose our own agenda on Jesus, rather than let His vision guide our lives.

Rev Neil Abbott
17-Apr-2011 11:00
Make Way

300111 sermon - Matthew 27v27-56
Neil points to Jesuss humility on the cross and how our understanding of Gods grace should be the driving force behind our desire to follow His vision for His church

Rev Neil Abbott Reader Julie Waller
A question of humility

121210 sermon - Matthew 61-18
Matthew 6:1-18 Giving, prayer and fasting

Geoff Waller
Acts of righteousness