Talks From Summer 2021

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Jesus Is Enough- Jessica Kell
Jess shares a great message Challenging us to ask Is Jesus is enough for us?

Jessica Kell
Jesus Is Enough

Walking and Living Differently -Graham Kell
Graham continues his series in Ephesians looking at Ephesians 4:17-30 looking at walking and living differently.

Graham Kell
5-Sep-2021 09:30
Walking and Living Differently -Ephesians 4:17-30

The Missing Ingredient- David Kell
David shared about the missing ingredient of the Holy Spirit and encouraged us to press into the Holy Spirit.

David Kell
The Missing Ingredient- The Holy Spirit

Take My yoke Upon You and Learn From Me
Ronnie shares from Matthew 11 regarding Jesus' call for all who are burdened and heavy in spirit to come to him and he will give them rest.

Ronnie Edwards
22-Aug-2021 09:45
Matthew 11

Exodus 1- Andrew Moore
Andrew looks at the lessons we can learn from Exodus 1 and the incredible actions of the Hebrew Midwives. Andrew shared on 15th August as part of our celebrations that day.

Andrew Moore
15-Aug-2021 09:45
Exodus 1

Refocus- John Kell
John shares from Chronicles challenging us to Refocus looking at Who, What and How?

John Kell
8-Aug-2021 09:45

Maturing Together In The Plans And Purposes of God
Graham shared from Ephesians 4:7-16 looking at how we mature together in the plans and purposes of God.

Graham Kell
Maturing Together In The Plans And Purposes of God