Spalding Baptist Church

Ben Clarke

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The One with Authority
John 1:1-14
Matthew 28:18-20

Ben Clarke
2-Mar-2025 11:00
Sunday Morning

Following an Exalted Lord
Mark 9:2-13
Foundations of Discipleship Series

Ben Clarke
9-Feb-2025 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
12-Jan-2025 11:00
Sunday Morning

Waiting with Love
Luke 1:26-38

Ben Clarke
8-Dec-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

I AM the ...
John 10:7-11
John 11:25-26

Ben Clarke
6-Oct-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Do not worry
Matthew 6:25-34

Ben Clarke
4-Aug-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

What God sees as valuable (Part 2)
Matthew 6:19-21
Treasure in Heaven

Ben Clarke
21-Jul-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
21-Jul-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Blessings for Right Actions
Matthew 5:5-12
The Upside-Down Kingdom

Ben Clarke
5-May-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

John 10:1-16

Ben Clarke
4-Feb-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
1-Oct-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
26-Mar-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
18-Dec-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

A Vision for Christ
Mark 8:22-30
Please note that the sermon is not quite complete due to the recording time running out.

Ben Clarke
11-Sep-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
21-Aug-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
17-Jul-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
15-May-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
30-Jan-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Dont give up!
Luke 18:1-8
Please note: End of sermon missing due to recording time running out.

Ben Clarke
17-Oct-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Follow!...then Go!
Matthew 4:18-22
Matthew 28:16-20

Ben Clarke
11-Jul-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Parable of Pursuit - Part 2
Ezekiel 34:11-16
Luke 15:1-7

Ben Clarke
16-Aug-2020 11:15
Sunday Morning

The Parable of Pursuit - Part 1
Ezekiel 34:11-16
Luke 15:1-7

Ben Clarke
16-Aug-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Being Radical
Matthew 7:24-29
James 1:19-27

Ben Clarke
28-Jun-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Hope amidst the storm
1 Peter 1:3-10
Matthew 14:22-33

Ben Clarke
17-May-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Pauls Prayer of Power
Ephesians 3:14-22

Ben Clarke
16-Feb-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

He's on His way!
Isaiah 9:2-7

Ben Clarke
1-Dec-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Following Jesus
The price, the promise and the power

Ben Clarke
15-Sep-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

Let him see
Mark 10:36-42

Ben Clarke
17-Feb-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ben Clarke
Sunday Morning

God is Big
Psalm 139

Ben Clarke
19-Nov-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ben Clarke
26-Mar-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning