Spalding Baptist Church

Ricki Kendall

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Following a Missionary Lord
Mark 9:14-32
Foundations of Discipleship

Ricki Kendall
16-Feb-2025 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
19-Jan-2025 11:15
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
19-Jan-2025 11:00
Sunday Morning

Waiting with Hope
Mark 13:24-37

Ricki Kendall
1-Dec-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Worship in a Post-Christian World
Daniel 3:8-28
Apologies for poor quality sound towards the end

Ricki Kendall
13-Oct-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

The fruit of your life
Matthew 7:15-20

Ricki Kendall
1-Sep-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Asking & Seeking
Matthew 7:7-12

Ricki Kendall
18-Aug-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

A Righteous Prayer Life
Matthew 6:5-8
Looking at the Heart

Ricki Kendall
7-Jul-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Matthew 5:21-26
Looking at the Heart

Ricki Kendall
2-Jun-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Salt & Light
Matthew 5:13-16
The Upside-Down Kingdom

Ricki Kendall
12-May-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
7-Apr-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Made to love.
Mark 12:28-34
What am I made for?

Ricki Kendall
3-Mar-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Prayer of Examen
Psalm 139:1-18,23-24

Ricki Kendall
11-Feb-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

1 Kings 19:7-13

Ricki Kendall
28-Jan-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning

Rejoice in the LORD
Habakkuk 3:1-19

Ricki Kendall
26-Nov-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Waiting on the LORD
Habakkuk 2:1-20

Ricki Kendall
19-Nov-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

What's it all about?

Ricki Kendall
6-Aug-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Power of Jesus
Luke 19:1-10

Ricki Kendall
9-Jul-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Encountering God
Genesis 32:22-32

Ricki Kendall
16-Apr-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

How to pray corporately
Matthew 6:5-13
The Lord's Prayer

Ricki Kendall
5-Mar-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Praying for the Church
Ephesians 3:14-21

Ricki Kendall
19-Feb-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
1-Jan-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
12-Dec-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
27-Nov-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Don't Look Back
Galatians 4:8-20

Ricki Kendall
30-Oct-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

God's Forever Family
Galatians 3:23-4:7

Ricki Kendall
23-Oct-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

No Other Gospel
Galatians 1:1-10

Ricki Kendall
9-Oct-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Using Our Gifts
Romans 12:1-8

Ricki Kendall
4-Sep-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Jesus Wept
John 11:32-44

Ricki Kendall
14-Aug-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

'Know Doubt'
Mark 9:14-29

Ricki Kendall
7-Aug-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Seeing Jesus
John 9:1-12;35-41

Ricki Kendall
31-Jul-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

A Great Surprise
Mark 2:1-12

Ricki Kendall
3-Jul-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Art of Worship
Psalm 95:1-11

Ricki Kendall
26-Jun-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
12-Jun-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Year of Jubilee
Leviticus 25:1-12

Ricki Kendall
5-Jun-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
22-May-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Forget not the Lord
Psalm 103:1-22

Ricki Kendall
1-May-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Personal Hope
Luke 24:13-35

Ricki Kendall
24-Apr-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Subversive Hope
Luke 24:1-12

Ricki Kendall
17-Apr-2022 11:00
Easter Sunday

Ricki Kendall
6-Mar-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
27-Feb-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
20-Feb-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
23-Jan-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Walking in the Spirit
Galatians 5:16-26

Ricki Kendall
2-Jan-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning

Why bother?
Philippians 2:5-11

Ricki Kendall
25-Dec-2021 11:00
Christmas Day

The God Who Knew Fear
Matthew 2:9-13
Matthew 26:36-41

Ricki Kendall
19-Dec-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The God Who Wouldn't Be Believed
Luke 2:4-7; Mark 6:1-6

Ricki Kendall
5-Dec-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The God Who Loved Women
Luke 1:46-55; Luke 13:10-17

Ricki Kendall
28-Nov-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Lost Things
Luke 15:1-10

Ricki Kendall
10-Oct-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Great Banquet
Luke 14:1-24

Ricki Kendall
3-Oct-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

Ricki Kendall
26-Sep-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Only Son
Genesis 22:1-14

Ricki Kendall
5-Sep-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Dealing With Doubt
Genesis 15:1-19

Ricki Kendall
15-Aug-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
8-Aug-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Call of God
Genesis 11:27-12:9

Ricki Kendall
1-Aug-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
4-Jul-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Four Ways
Luke 15:11-32

Ricki Kendall
20-Jun-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
13-Jun-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Being Church
Acts 4:23-31

Ricki Kendall
6-Jun-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
30-May-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
16-May-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Come and See
John 1:35-51

Ricki Kendall
9-May-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
2-May-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
25-Apr-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Rethinking Thomas
John 20:19-31

Ricki Kendall
11-Apr-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

I am With You
Matthew 28:1-20

Ricki Kendall
4-Apr-2021 11:00
Easter Sunday

Paradise Lost
Genesis 3:8-15
Genesis 4:11-11

Ricki Kendall
28-Feb-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

In the Garden of God
Genesis 2:2-17

Ricki Kendall
7-Feb-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

God's Great Creation
Genesis 1:4-25

Ricki Kendall
10-Jan-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

Before the Beginning
Genesis 1:1-3; John 1:1-5;14-15

Ricki Kendall
3-Jan-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Fathers of Jesus
Matthew 1:18-25

Ricki Kendall
13-Dec-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Longing for Home
Luke 18:18-30
Jeremiah 31:10-17
(Looking at Heaven - Part 1)

Ricki Kendall
15-Nov-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Dealing with Anger
Proverbs 14:17,29-30; 15:1,18

Ricki Kendall
18-Oct-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Harvesting Wisdom
Proverbs 3:5-14; 10:16,25-32

Ricki Kendall
4-Oct-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Life in the Kingdom
Matthew 7:13-29
The Narrow Gate and the Need for Authenticity

Ricki Kendall
13-Sep-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Deeper and Deeper: The Problem of Hell
Matthew 5:21-30
Luke 16:19-31

Ricki Kendall
6-Sep-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
30-Aug-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Where is your Treasure?
Luke 12:13-21
Matthew 6:19-24

Ricki Kendall
9-Aug-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
12-Jul-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
5-Jul-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
21-Jun-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Church and ... Social Action
Nehemiah 4:1-20
Acts 2:42-47

Ricki Kendall
14-Jun-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Church and ... Injustice
James 2:1-17
Micah 6:8

Ricki Kendall
7-Jun-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Language of Heaven
Genesis 11:1-9
Acts 2:1-13

Ricki Kendall
31-May-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Winner Takes It All
1 Samuel 17:41-47
Romans 8:31-39

Ricki Kendall
24-May-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Christian Joy
Romans 8:28-30

Ricki Kendall
10-May-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Praying in the Spirit
Genesis 3:14-24
Romans 8:18-27

Ricki Kendall
3-May-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
26-Apr-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Trusting God in Troubled Times
Psalm 46:1-11
Hebrews 12:22-29

Ricki Kendall
19-Apr-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

A Ghost Does Not Have Flesh and Bones
Luke 24:1-12
Luke 24:36-49

Ricki Kendall
12-Apr-2020 11:00
Easter Sunday

Who is this?
Matthew 21:1-11
John 12:12-19

Ricki Kendall
5-Apr-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Proverbs 3:1-8
Proverbs 4:5-8

Ricki Kendall
29-Mar-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Women of Faith
Exodus 1:15-2:10
Reflection, prayers and message

Ben & Ricki
22-Mar-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
15-Mar-2020 19:00
Sunday Evening

Praying in Worship
Psalm 95:1-11

Ricki Kendall
9-Feb-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Praying in Rest
Psalm 91:1-16

Ricki Kendall
2-Feb-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning

Running From God
Jonah 1:1-17

Ricki Kendall
19-Jan-2020 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
29-Dec-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
22-Dec-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Defeating the enemy
Matthew 3:16-4:11
Does Evil Exist?

Ricki Kendall
13-Oct-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Praying Our Tears
Psalm 126:1-6

Ricki Kendall
29-Sep-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

The Divine Logos
John 1:1-5,14

Ricki Kendall
8-Sep-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Our Plans; Gods Plans
Wisdom from Proverbs

Ricki Kendall
1-Sep-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

The Coming Joy
John 2:1-11

Ricki Kendall
4-Aug-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Where is the love?
Revelation 2:1-7

Ricki Kendall
7-Jul-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

The Peace of God
Philippians 4:1-13

Ricki Kendall
16-Jun-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
16-Jun-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Come as you are
Matthew 9:9-13

Ricki Kendall
12-May-2019 11:00
Baptismal Service

Ricki Kendall
21-Apr-2019 11:00
Easter Sunday Morning

God's Great Desire
Genesis 28:10-22

Ricki Kendall
7-Apr-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
31-Mar-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
17-Mar-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

Martha or Mary?
Luke 10:38-42

Ricki Kendall
3-Mar-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
17-Feb-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

Lessons from Laodicea
Revelation 3:14-22

Ricki Kendall
13-Jan-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning

Beginnings Matter
Matthew 1:1-17

Ricki Kendall
6-Jan-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening

A light has dawned
Isaiah 8:19-9:7

Ricki Kendall
2-Dec-2018 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
25-Nov-2018 11:00
Sunday Morning

Praying with Hannah
1 Samuel 1:1-2:11

Ricki Kendall
18-Nov-2018 19:00
Sunday Evening

Overcoming Fear
Matthew 8:23-27

Ricki Kendall
21-Oct-2018 19:00
Sunday Evening

Identity in Christ
Colossians 1:1-14

Ricki Kendall
21-Oct-2018 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
14-Oct-2018 11:00
Sunday Morning

Genesis 50:15-21

Ricki Kendall
19-Aug-2018 19:00
Sunday Evening

The God of the ''Meanwhile''
Genesis Chapters 37 - 50

Ricki Kendall
19-Aug-2018 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
15-Jul-2018 19:00
Sunday Evening

1 Kings 19

Ricki Kendall
20-May-2018 19:00
Sunday Evening

Everybody Hopes
1 Samuel 4:1-22

Ricki Kendall
3-Dec-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
12-Nov-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
29-Oct-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Living in a War Zone
Ephesians 6:10-20

Ricki Kendall
3-Oct-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Gods Marvellous Mystery
Ephesians 3:1-13

Ricki Kendall
20-Aug-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Faith in the Future
Hebrews 11:13-16

Ricki Kendall
13-Aug-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

What to Pray For?
Ephesians 1:15-23

Ricki Kendall
23-Jul-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
18-Jun-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Faith on the Frontline
Colossians 3: 1-17, 23-24

Ricki Kendall
11-Jun-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

The End Times
Revelation 21:1-7; 22-27.

Ricki Kendall
28-May-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Heaven and Hell
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 - Teaching Session

Ricki Kendall
23-Apr-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
2-Apr-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

Angels and Demons
Teaching Session

Ricki Kendall
19-Mar-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
19-Mar-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
5-Mar-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
19-Feb-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
19-Feb-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
5-Feb-2017 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
22-Jan-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
20-Nov-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

Evil, Suffering and God
Teaching Session

Ricki Kendall
23-Oct-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

War of the Worlds
Genesis 3:1-24

Ricki Kendall
23-Oct-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
25-Sep-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

Hubris and Humility
Philippians 1:27 2:11

Ricki Kendall
11-Sep-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Choose Life
Deuteronomy 30:1-19

Ricki Kendall
14-Aug-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
24-Jul-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
26-Jun-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

The Sad and the Glad
2 Kings 4:8-37

Ricki Kendall
22-May-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

21st Century Church
Ephesians 2:1-10

Ricki Kendall
1-May-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
24-Apr-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
13-Mar-2016 19:15
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
13-Mar-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

The Three Rs of God
Isaiah 52:7-15

Ricki Kendall
13-Mar-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Keeping up Appearances
Matthew 23:1-28

Ricki Kendall
14-Feb-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
7-Feb-2016 19:20
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
7-Feb-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

The God I Dont Understand
Ecclesiastes 8:7-17 and Hebrews 11:1-3; 11:39-12:3

Ricki Kendall
3-Jan-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
3-Jan-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
18-Oct-2015 19:00
Sunday Evening

Who Holds History?
Daniel 7:1-28

Ricki Kendall
18-Oct-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

God vs. Satan No Contest!
Revelation 12:1-17

Ricki Kendall
4-Oct-2015 19:00
Sunday Evening

Hubris and Humility
Daniel 5:1-31

Ricki Kendall
13-Sep-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

Make Your Stand
Daniel 1:1-21

Ricki Kendall
6-Sep-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

All You Need is Love
1 Corinthians 12:27 13:13

Ricki Kendall
9-Aug-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

A History of Violence
Judges 3:12-30

Ricki Kendall
21-Jun-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
14-Jun-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

Ricki Kendall
7-Jun-2015 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
7-Jun-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning

Sadness, Sorrow and Salvation
Lamentations 3:19-42 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 - To watch youtube item: search on 'Homesick Mercy Me'

Ricki Kendall
5-Apr-2015 19:00
Easter Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
5-Apr-2015 11:00
Easter Sunday Morning

Rabbit-Foot Theology
1 Samuel 4:1-11 & 5:1-12

Ricki Kendall
4-Jan-2015 19:00
Sunday Evening

Ricki Kendall
4-Jan-2015 11:00
Sunday Morning