Other Speakers
Psalm 98
Psalm 98:1-9
John Chester
29-Dec-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
Worship in the Pre-Christian World
The Shema
Colin Horspole
20-Oct-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
Psalm 101
Psalm 101:1-8
Gordon Gooding
8-Sep-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
Psalm 46
Psalm 46:1-11
Colin Horspole
26-May-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
Gods Victory
Psalm 68:1-35
Colin Horspole
14-Apr-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
WHY should the Father bother?
Psalm 144:1-15
Gordon Gooding
18-Feb-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
Talking with The Father
Matthew 6:5-15
John Chester
21-Jan-2024 11:00
Sunday Morning
God Knows
Revelation 21:1-7
Colin Horspole
31-Dec-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
Joseph's Story
Matthew 1:18-24, John 1:9-14 and Isaiah 9:6.
Gordon Gooding
3-Dec-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
James 3:13-18
Colin Horspole
17-Sep-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
Taming the Tongue
James 3:1-12
Gordon Gooding
10-Sep-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
Listening and Doing
James 1:19-27
John Chester
20-Aug-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
Within the Veil
Hebrews 9:1-14
Colin Horspole
2-Jul-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
You are that man!
2 Samuel 12:1-13
Truth & Justice
Fruitulness on the Frontline series
Gordon Gooding
11-Jun-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
Fruitfulness on the Frontline
Colossians 1:1-20
Sermon incomplete due length of recording.
John Chester
30-Apr-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
How to pray when we're angry.
Psalm 88:1-18
Joshua Ruddle
19-Mar-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
God's love for the righteous
Ruth 3
Incomplete due to length of recording.
Colin Horspole
5-Feb-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
God's Love for the World
John 3:16-21
Gordon Gooding
29-Jan-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
God's Love for Others
Jonah 4:1-11
John Chester
8-Jan-2023 11:00
Sunday Morning
Remembrance Sunday
John 10:7-18
John 15:12-13
John Chester
13-Nov-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Take Time
Matthew 14:22-33
Gordon Gooding
24-Jul-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Desperate Times, desperate measures
Luke 8:40-56
Colin Horspole
10-Jul-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Love of the Father
John Chester
19-Jun-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Greater Heights
Psalm 18:16-33
Helen Walton
29-May-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Finish the race
Acts 20:17-35
Graham Dunn
8-May-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Good Friday
Psalm 22
John Chester
15-Apr-2022 11:00
Good Friday
The Back Story
Luke 19:28-40
Graham Dunn
10-Apr-2022 11:00
Palm Sunday Morning
The Road to the Cross
Mark 11:12-19
John Chester
20-Mar-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Gods love for us in Christ
Ephesians 2:1-10
Dianne Tidball
13-Feb-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
John 16:16-22
Gordon Gooding
16-Jan-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Let's talk about Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Graham Dunn
9-Jan-2022 11:00
Sunday Morning
Grandad's Gift
Carols by Candlelight
Graham Dunn
19-Dec-2021 19:00
Sunday Evening
Christmas Traditions
Luke 2:8-20
Matthew 2:1-12
Debbie Clarke
12-Dec-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Jesus, Light of the World
John 3:16-21
Graham Dunn
21-Nov-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
John Chester
14-Nov-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Are you looking up or down?
Luke 18:914
Brian Shenk
24-Oct-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Like talking with a friend
Genesis 18:16-33
David Hughes
29-Aug-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Sarah laughed
Genesis 18:6-15
Graham Dunn
22-Aug-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
John 1:1-14
Graham Dunn
25-Jul-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Prodigal Father?
Luke 15:11-32
Frances Ballantyne
18-Jul-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Stuart Watkins
Sunday Morning
Pentecost vision for Spalding Baptist Church
Matthew 22:34-40
Matthew 28:18-20
Graham Dunn
23-May-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
God of the second chances
John 21:1-17
Graham Dunn
18-Apr-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Psalm 22
Mark 15:1-15
Graham Dunn
2-Apr-2021 11:00
Good Friday
Putting on the wedding garment
Matthew 22:1-14
Paul Whiteley
28-Mar-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Faith in Action
James 2:14-26
Colin Draper
21-Mar-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
He Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Mother's Day
Graham Dunn
14-Mar-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
A heart for the poor
Luke 4:18-20
Carl Beech
7-Mar-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
A New Thing
Isaiah 43:14-21
Graham Dunn
14-Feb-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
The sun is coming up over the horizon
Jeremiah 29:4-14
Kevin Crook
31-Jan-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Genesis 2
Rachael is the founder of 'Think Twice' mental health charity
See Home page for link to Think Twice website
Rachael Newham
17-Jan-2021 11:00
Sunday Morning
Luke 11:1-13
Andy Kind
29-Nov-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
Leprosy Mission
Ben Clarke interviews Helen Walton (Regional Manager for The Leprosy Mission England & Wales)
Helen Walton
8-Nov-2020 12:00
Sunday Morning
Wartime Chaplains
Including clip by Jeff Lucas on Woodbine Willy
John Chester
8-Nov-2020 10:45
Sunday Morning
The truth will set you free
John 8:32
Adrian Plass
1-Nov-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
Tear Fund
Luke 10:25-37; Ruth 1:1-21; 2:1-12
Nick Shenow
11-Oct-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
Hidden in plain sight
Andy Kind - Promedian (Preacher/Comedian)
Linked File: andy kind.pdf
Andy Kind
23-Aug-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
Where is God in a crisis?
Joel 2:12-14;25-29
Dianne Tidball
19-Jul-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
It's all about grace
Ephesians 2:1-10
Ian Sinclair
15-Mar-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
Prayer begets so much more
John 17:20-26
Bob Pritchard
8-Mar-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
New Look
Numbers 21:4-9
Look differently at your situation from the perspective of God
David Ohin
1-Mar-2020 19:00
Sunday Evening
Exodus 12:21-42
Steve Holland
1-Mar-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Gateway of Faith
Hebrews 11
Billy McKenzie
2-Feb-2020 19:00
Sunday Evening
God and Abraham
Genesis 12:19
Frances Ballantyne
19-Jan-2020 11:00
Sunday Morning
Hide or Seek
Matthew 6:19-34
David Hughes
24-Nov-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Safe Families for Children
Luke 4:14-21
Please note: Due to technical problems the first part of the talk did not record.
Karen Mbayo and Dale Newman
17-Nov-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Who'll take the Son?
Ephesians 6:10-20
John Chester
11-Nov-2019 11:00
Remembrance Sunday
Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
Psalm 150
David Ohin
3-Nov-2019 19:00
Sunday Morning
Looking in the mirror
Luke 12:1-3
Paul Whiteley
3-Nov-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
1 Corinthians 12-14
Stuart Watkins
20-Oct-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
Stuart Watkins
20-Oct-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
I love this bar (Church)
Psalm 84:112
Steve Holland
6-Oct-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Lord is my Shepherd
Psalm 23
Billy McKenzie
29-Sep-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
Principles of Evangelism
John 4:39-42
David Ohin
15-Sep-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
This is my story
Three stories about Hope Now in Ukraine
Andrew Foreman (CEO Hope Now)
25-Aug-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
UCB - Prayer Line
Luke 11:1-4
Thess 5:17-25
UCB - United Christian Broadcasters
Carl Finnan (UCB)
18-Aug-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
Get on with the job.
Acts 1:4-11
UCB - United Christian Broadcasters
Carl Finnan (UCB)
18-Aug-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Acts 17:13-28
David Hughes
11-Aug-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
How to grow and bear fruit
John 15:1-8
I am the true vine
David Ohin
4-Aug-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
Out of our comfort zones
Galatians 3:23-29 and Luke 8:26-39
Paul Whiteley
21-Jul-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Grace of God
Titus 2:1-14
Rob Morris
30-Jun-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
The man who gripped God
Psalm 63
Rob Shaw
30-Jun-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Building up the body of Christ
Ephesians 4:1-16
Note: Message starts following short clip from a 'Transformers' film
Brian Stocker
23-Jun-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Fruit of the Spirit
Galations 5:22-23
Tuesday Morning Home Group
2-Jun-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
The Right Direction!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Revd. Roy Fisher
2-Jun-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Flavour to a tasteless world
Mark 9:30-50
Steve Holland
26-May-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Is It Time Yet?
Matthew 24:3,30-42
Mark 13: 32-33, 35-36
John Chester
5-May-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
Jesus The last Word!
Acts 1:1-11
Mark Clay
5-May-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Syrophonecian woman
Matthew 15:21-28
David Ohin
28-Apr-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Why did Jesus come to Earth?
Matthew 27:50-53
David Ohin
21-Apr-2019 19:00
Easter Sunday Evening
HEAL NEPAL One Hospital, One Hope, One Time
Luke 15:3-7
Helen Walton
10-Mar-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Building Bridges
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-20
Paul Whiteley
24-Feb-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
The me God intended
1 Corinthians 12:14-27
Gordon Gooding
3-Feb-2019 19:00
Sunday Evening
What are your eyes fixed on?
John 2:1-11
Stuart Watkins
3-Feb-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Rob Shaw
27-Jan-2019 11:00
Sunday Morning
Difficulties, Distractions and Disappointments
Mark 5:21-43
Mark Clay
3-Sep-2017 11:00
Sunday Morning
The Anchor of the Soul (Hope)
Hebrews 6: 13-20
Jim McVicar
27-Nov-2016 19:00
Sunday Evening
The Anchor of the Soul (Relationship)
Hebrews 6: 13-20
Jim McVicar
27-Nov-2016 11:00
Sunday Morning