The Shepherd & The Lost Sheep
Margaret gives a lovely message (12 mins) on The Lost Sheep (with help from Bramble and young Louis) & the Greatest Shepherd & His love for us & how we should all be good shepherds to others.
Margaret Dimberline
8-Dec-2019 10:45
(Luke 15 vs 1 to 7)
Be Ready for the Second Coming
In just 11 minutes Brian gives us a really interesting & knowledgeable Advent message that has a clear warning - to be ready for the unexpected time of the second coming of Christ.
Brian Wilks
1-Dec-2019 10:45
(Matthew 24 vs 36 to 44)
Mercy on Sinners
David gives us another great sermon - 27 minutes well spent!
David Harvey
27-Oct-2019 10:45
(Luke 18 vs 9 to 14)
The Trouble with X
Chris in 16 minutes gives us a comprehensive message with the intriguing title of 'The Trouble with X' - care of C S Lewis. Chris covers a lot of ground - well worth a listen.
Chris Nuttall
20-Oct-2019 10:45
(Jeremiah 31 vs 27 to 34)
Warning of Straying
A short (12 min), in depth serious message from Brian - relating God's warnings in Jeremiah 2 to the spiritual problems of Britain (& elsewhere) today.
Brian Wilks
1-Sep-2019 10:45
(Jeremiah 2 vs 4 to 13)
Calling of the Lord
In just 19 minutes - Margaret Dimberline brings us a lovely message once again - down to earth - full of anecdotes - bringing the Lord's 'Calling' to Jeremiah right into our own lives.
Margaret Dimberline
25-Aug-2019 10:45
(Jeremiah 1 vs 4 to 10)
God's Love
Dr Clive Burnard, Regional Minister of the Yorkshire Baptist Association, gives us this amazing message about God's Love - such Spirit led uplifting enthusiasm - for the whole 25 exciting minutes!
Clive Burnard
4-Aug-2019 10:45
(Hosea 11 vs 1 to 11)
The Lord Speaking Through Us
Chris gives a clear message on a difficult to understand passage (Hosea 1). God can ask things of us that don't make obvious sense - but trust Him and our actions will speak louder than words.
Chris Nuttall
28-Jul-2019 10:45
(Hosea 1 vs 2 to 10)
Implications of Ripe Fruit
Looks at the implications of the ripe fruit ref Amos 8 linking this - in 18 minutes - to some present day situations regarding worship songs, stewardship and studying/applying God's word.
Gordon Hawley
21-Jul-2019 10:45
(Amos 8 vs 1 -14)
Rejoice and Flourish
Very interesting & great message (19 mins) - revealing so much about the book of Isaiah & particularly about how we can bloom, grow & flourish as we seek and trust in God. Listen to this and REJOICE!
Debbie Pearson
7-Jul-2019 10:45
(Isaiah 66 vs 10 to 14)
Anointed and Called_Wholly Available
In just 7 minutes Brian gives us this powerful message with examples - for anyone called by God to be alert to the devil's potential attacks - a warning to us all and especially church leaders.
Brian Wilks
30-Jun-2019 10:45
1 Kings 19 vs 15-21
Terry brought this great message about Barnabas - the great encourager. And Terry encouraged us to be encouragers of one another & in our secular life - drawing people to Christ as a result.
Terry Irwin
24-Jun-2019 10:45
(Acts 4 vs 32 to 37)
Transformation by and for Jesus
With light humour & clarity - 14 min message - relating to us all - on Saul's transformation from murderous persecutor of Christians - to Paul, the world's most amazing Apostle for Jesus.
Gordon Hawley
5-May-2019 10:45
(Acts 9 vs 1-21)
Blessings and Parents
Margaret Dimberline speaks (19mins) from the heart on the subject of 'Blessings and Parents' - very appropriate message on 'Mothering Sunday'.
Margaret Dimberline
31-Mar-2019 10:45
Luke 2
One Body Many Parts
In 14mins Bob gives us his usual interesting & sound teaching - the subject:One Body Many Parts. He warns against pride & individualism - emphasising that only Lord Jesus is the head of the Church.
Bob Lunt
27-Jan-2019 10:45
(1 Corinthians 12 vs 12 to 31)
Church Anniversary Talk
On our 95th Anniversary (present Church Building) - Ann Monks, our longest serving member gave us (in 17 mins) a great talk/history lesson with a lovely final conclusion relating to Psalm 121.
Ann Monks
20-Jan-2019 10:45
(Psalm 121)
The Epiphany
Brief (5 min) but very interesting message from Brian on the Epiphany - relating the first ministry of Jesus - as a 'baby' boy - and it happened to be to the gentiles (the Magi).
Brian Wilks
6-Jan-2019 10:45
(Matthew 2 vs 1 to 12)