Numbers: Living in the wilderness

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A reluctant prophet
Numbers 22:1-41
What sort of man was Balaam - hero or villain? Are we meant to feel sorry for him or learn from him?

Glen Hanna
9-Feb-2025 10:30

Lessons for the journey
Numbers 21:1-35
In this chapter the second generation of Israelites begins to emerge and reveals something old, something new, and something eternally the same.

Glen Hanna
2-Feb-2025 10:30

Calamity at Kadesh
Nu 20:1-29
What did Moses do wrong at Kadesh? Why did it mean he had to forfeit entering the Promised Land?

Glen Hanna
26-Jan-2025 10:30

Priestly privileges
Numbers 18:1-32
The priests and Levites were God's gift to his people to enable them to survive. But God also called the Levites' ministry a gift to the Levites themselves.

Glen Hanna
12-Jan-2025 10:30

The Branch of Life
Numbers 17:1-13
The gospel is a message of life out of death. Here in Aaron's budding staff this wonderful picture comes to life.

Glen Hanna
15-Dec-2024 10:30

Will the real priest please stand up?
Numbers 16:1-50
God's people have always needed a priest. This chapter shows there were many who wanted the role, but only one who was chosen.

Glen Hanna
8-Dec-2024 10:30

Holy to the Lord
Numbers 15:1-41
God is committed to his people. Here we find out what it means to be God's people and how God provides for us.

Glen Hanna
1-Dec-2024 10:30

Failure, faith and favour
Numbers 14:1-45
This chapter shows the nature of human rebellion and the sad consequences it produces. But it also shows how, even in judgment, God's mercy triumphs.

Glen Hanna
24-Nov-2024 10:30

Giants and grasshoppers
Numbers 13:1-33
Why, when the kingdom of heaven is theirs for the taking, do so many people fail to enter? This chapter gives three reasons.

Glen Hanna
17-Nov-2024 10:30

Within your courts
Numbers 12:1-16
Every time we transgress, we overstep the line and get further away from God. This chapter shows how God graciously brings us back.

Glen Hanna
10-Nov-2024 10:30

The heart of the problem
Numbers 11:1-35
As the Israelites set out on their journey, they faced a choice: life in the land or death in the wilderness. This chapter reveals the tendency towards death in all of us.

Glen Hanna
27-Oct-2024 10:30

On the road with God
Numbers 9:1-10:36
How are Christians to live in this world? These chapters give us four lessons for God's people on how to live in the wilderness.

Glen Hanna
20-Oct-2024 10:30

One body
Numbers 7:1-8:4
For twelve consecutive days, each tribe of Israel brought the same gifts of dedication for the altar. United and equal, what does this teach us about the model for the church?

Glen Hanna
13-Oct-2024 10:30

Total commitment
Numbers 6:1-27
The Nazirite was the ideal, the contrast to the unfaithful woman of chapter 5. How do we match up?

Glen Hanna
6-Oct-2024 10:30

Pure and simple
Numbers 5:1-31
To live with God means to be pure. This chapter tells us God's way of dealing with impurity so that he may remain with us.

Glen Hanna
29-Sep-2024 10:30

Life and death
Numbers 3:1-51
Why does Numbers talk so much about the Levites? Because Israel simply couldn't survive without them.

Glen Hanna
22-Sep-2024 10:30

A place for everyone
Numbers 2:1-34
God didn't just establish a camp, but a people. Here we notice three things about this community that made it so good.

Glen Hanna
8-Sep-2024 10:30

Becoming the people of God
Numbers 1:1-54
This book charts the experience of Israel waiting to enter the Promised Land: 40 years of testing and learning how to be the people of God.

Glen Hanna
1-Sep-2024 10:30