The Bible's Big Picture
God's saviour comes
Luke 1:57-80
We finally arrive at what the Old Testament has been pointing to. Zechariah's prophecy is mainly about Mary's son: who he is and what he will do.
Glen Hanna
3-Apr-2022 10:30
The Bible's Big Picture
God's great sign
Exodus 12:21-30
How would God fulfil his promise to Abraham? The surprising answer is that God's plan of salvation would come about as a result of death and sacrifice.
Glen Hanna
27-Mar-2022 10:30
The Bible's Big Picture
God's big promise
Gen 11:27 - 12:9
Rather than giving up on sinful human beings, God started again with one man, Abraham.
Glen Hanna
20-Mar-2022 10:30
The Bible's Big Picture
Where did it all go wrong?
Gen 3:1-24
This chapter tells us where evil came from. It tells us what Adam and Eve did wrong and why it matters for us today.
Glen Hanna
6-Mar-2022 10:30
The Bible's Big Picture
The good beginning
Gen 1:1-Gen 2:3
The Bible is one book with one subject and one story. We start at the beginning with three simple, but vital, truths.
Glen Hanna
27-Feb-2022 10:30
The Bible's Big Picture