Seeing God: John's gospel
The God with wounds
John 20:19-31
On a day when we remember millions who have died, we consider Christ's resurrection from the dead and his unique ability to heal an aching world.
Glen Hanna
12-Nov-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Degrees of seeing
John 20:1-18
John gives us the resurrection as seen through the eyes of Mary Magdalene as she goes on a journey of enlightenment.
Glen Hanna
5-Nov-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Dead and buried
John 19:31-42
The Bible insists on it. Various confessions maintain it. But why is Jesus' death so important?
Glen Hanna
29-Oct-2023 10:30
John's gospel
From torture to triumph
John 19:16-30
Glen Hanna
8-Oct-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Mob rule
John 19:1-16
Glen Hanna
1-Oct-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The kingdom and the power
John 18:28-40
Glen Hanna
24-Sep-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Feeling the heat
John 18:12-27
Two pictures: one of dignity; the other of denial. We learn the great comfort from this passage of a Saviour who, when tested, stood and prevailed.
Glen Hanna
17-Sep-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Master, not martyr
John 18:1-11
John's presentation of Jesus in Gethsemane shows us Jesus focused on his mission and full of love for his disciples.
Glen Hanna
3-Sep-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The God-man prays (3)
John 17:20-26
In this final section of his high priestly prayer, Jesus identifies three things he earnestly wants for his people.
Glen Hanna
6-Aug-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The God-man prays (2)
John 17:6-19
Here Jesus prays for his disciples, revealing both what a true disciple is and what we need.
Glen Hanna
30-Jul-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The God-man prays (1)
John 17:1-5
It's Jesus' longest recorded prayer we have in the Bible. He begins by praying for himself and reveals a deep awareness of his mission.
Glen Hanna
23-Jul-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Things to hold on to
John 16:5-33
Jesus' final words to his overwhelmed disciples before he goes to the cross contain four truths to hold on to.
Glen Hanna
9-Jul-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The world against us
John 15:18-16:4
Christians are called to show and prove that we are not the same as the world in which we live. But to do so, Jesus says, means facing the world's opposition.
Glen Hanna
2-Jul-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Fruitful faith
John 15:1-17
We can often be content if our Christianity is alive and green. But God wants more than that - he wants fruit. We look at what fruit God wants, and how and why we're to have it.
Glen Hanna
25-Jun-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Yet more help
John 14:15-31
How can disciples of Jesus carry on? Where does comfort and help come from? Here Jesus gives the answer.
Glen Hanna
18-Jun-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Comfort in trouble
John 1:1-14
We often read this passage at Christian funerals. But here are words for the living as well the dying.
Glen Hanna
23-Apr-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Divine love, human weakness
John 13:31-38
Glen Hanna
2-Apr-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The full extent of love
John 13:1-17
On the evening before Jesus was betrayed, he washed his disciples' feet in an act that speaks volumes about what he was about to do for us.
Glen Hanna
12-Mar-2023 10:30
John's gospel
A last chance
John 12:37-50
Just days away from the cross, Jesus is still keen to be seen as the Saviour for those who will receive him.
Glen Hanna
5-Mar-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Now is the time
John 12:20-36
How can we come to God? Only through the cross. Jesus sees his impending death and invites us to go to the cross with him.
Glen Hanna
26-Feb-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Here comes the king!
John 12:12-19
As royal processions go, this one was unusual. It reveals something striking not only about the King, but also about the crowd who greeted him.
Glen Hanna
12-Feb-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Lavish love
John 12:1-12
Mary is famous for this extravagant act of devotion. In a world that hates him, how much are we like her?
Glen Hanna
5-Feb-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Jesus: The Life of God
John 11:1-57
This story of Lazarus' resurrection is full of hope, but also of surprise in what it reveals about the character of our God.
Glen Hanna
29-Jan-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Knowing Jesus
John 10:22-42
Another meeting with Jesus brings another opportunity to draw near to him. Are we getting to know Jesus better?
Glen Hanna
22-Jan-2023 10:30
John's gospel
The Good Shepherd
John 10:1-21
The Bible calls us sheep - an unflattering, but realistic image. This passage tells us who Jesus' sheep are and who Jesus the shepherd is.
Glen Hanna
15-Jan-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Seeing the light
John 9:1-41
It's not just the blind man's physical eyes that Jesus opens. He brings him out of spiritual darkness too.
Glen Hanna
8-Jan-2023 10:30
John's gospel
Who's your father?
John 8:31-59
Glen Hanna
18-Dec-2022 10:30
John's gospel
The worst thing that can happen
John 8:21-24
The worst thing ever is an over-used phrase. Jesus tells us what is really the worst possible thing - and tells us how to avoid it.
Glen Hanna
11-Dec-2022 10:30
John's gospel
The light of the world
John 8:12-30
The Lord is my light and my salvation, the psalmist says. In Jesus we see the realisation of those words.
Glen Hanna
4-Dec-2022 10:30
John's gospel
The man who divides the world
John 7:1-52
Glen Hanna
20-Nov-2022 10:30
John's gospel
What sort of disciple are you?
John 6:60-70
Not all followers of Jesus follow to the end. We consider three of Jesus' statements in these verses to determine what sort of followers we are.
Glen Hanna
13-Nov-2022 10:30
John's gospel
The bread of life
John 6:25-59
Bread in Jesus' day wasn't an option, but a necessity. In this first of his I am sayings we learn how and why Jesus is so vital.
Glen Hanna
2-Oct-2022 10:30
John's gospel
Straining at the oars
John 6:16-24
What the disciples faced physically, we often face figuratively. These few verses lift our eyes to the Saviour in all his comfort and power.
Glen Hanna
25-Sep-2022 10:30
John's gospel
5000 reasons to trust Jesus
John 6:1-15
This miracle is another sign pointing to Jesus, telling us three simple but profound truths about who he really is.
Glen Hanna
18-Sep-2022 10:30
John's gospel
Religion vs. faith
John 5:16-47
Jesus says the key to where we will spend eternity is faith. Here we learn how to be not just church-goers, but those who have real faith.
Glen Hanna
11-Sep-2022 10:30
John's gospel
Jesus the healer
John 4:43-5:15
What do healing miracles teach us today? In these two stories we find three truths to help us in our suffering.
Glen Hanna
4-Sep-2022 10:30
John's gospel
Living water
John 4:1-42
Jesus comes to the woman by the well with the most welcome, precious, and vital offer of all.
Glen Hanna
28-Aug-2022 10:30
John's gospel
The gospel in a nutshell
John 3:1-21
A key chapter with probably the most famous verse in the Bible, this passage tells us vital things about the new birth and salvation by faith in Jesus.
Glen Hanna
7-Aug-2022 10:30
John's gospel
Pure worship
John 2:12-25
This is the first of two occasions when Jesus cleared the temple. The fact that he did it twice shows that pure worship is a priority for him and a necessity for us.
Glen Hanna
24-Jul-2022 10:30
John's gospel
The true bridegroom
John 2:1-11
This wasn't just any miracle. The fact Jesus chose to turn water into wine at the end of this particular week tells us much more.
Glen Hanna
17-Jul-2022 10:30
John's gospel
A cloud of witnesses
John 1:19-51
John introduces a host of witnesses showing Jesus to be the Christ. From their testimony, we identify three things about who the Christ is.
Glen Hanna
10-Jul-2022 10:30
John's gospel
Who is Jesus?
John 1:1-18
Seeing Jesus as he really leads to eternal life. We examine who John says Jesus is and what our response should be.
Glen Hanna
3-Jul-2022 10:30
John's gospel
An introduction
John 1:1-4
We only see God when see Jesus (John 14:9). As John begins his unique gospel, he tells us three striking things about precisely who Jesus is.
Glen Hanna
26-Jun-2022 10:30
John's gospel