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Glen Hanna
20-Oct-2024 17:00

Glen Hanna
6-Oct-2024 17:00

The Law of the Harvest
Gal 6:7-10
What you plant determines what you harvest. And what you want to harvest dictates what you plant.

Glen Hanna
15-Sep-2024 17:00

Paul Brunning
15-Sep-2024 10:30

Nailed to the cross
Col 2:14
Alongside the nails that pinned Jesus to the cross, Paul speaks here of another one, pinning the record of our debt.

Glen Hanna
8-Sep-2024 17:00

The real McCoy
1 Peter 1:6-7

Glen Hanna
1-Sep-2024 17:00

Glen Hanna
25-Aug-2024 17:00

The conscience
Rom 2:12-16

Bill Gardner
11-Aug-2024 10:30

Alan Greenbank
4-Aug-2024 10:30

Two ways to live
Psalm 1:1-6

Tim Gardner
21-Jul-2024 10:30
Psalm 1

Reuben Saywell
14-Jul-2024 17:00

Paul Williams
12-May-2024 17:00

Steadfast, active and confident
1 Cor 15:58
As we celebrate our 173rd anniversary, we're reminded how the glory of the resurrection assures us our labour in the Lord is not in vain.

Paul Williams
12-May-2024 10:30

Consider Christ
Heb 12:1-3

Glen Hanna
31-Mar-2024 10:30
Easter Sunday

Be comforted
Isa 40:1-2

Chola Mukanga
25-Feb-2024 10:30

Only the cross
Gal 6:1-18

Glen Hanna
4-Feb-2024 17:00

God our portion
Psalm 119:57
Please bear with us as we fix the fault with our sound system.

Clive Langston
21-Jan-2024 10:30

Only if you go with us
If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.
Apologies for the poor sound quality. We hope to get it fixed soon.

Glen Hanna
7-Jan-2024 10:30
Text for the Year 2024

Glen Hanna
24-Dec-2023 10:30

Hopes and fears
Luke 2:21-40
Life is full of hopes and fears. Why does the carol say they are met in Jesus?

Glen Hanna
17-Dec-2023 10:30

A new life
Matthew 28:1-20

Glen Hanna
26-Nov-2023 10:30

Daryl Jones
19-Nov-2023 10:30

Martin Tatham
15-Oct-2023 10:30

Glen Hanna
8-Oct-2023 17:00

Glen Hanna
10-Sep-2023 17:00

The Lord is my banner
Exodus 17:8-16

Dan Jarvis
10-Sep-2023 10:30

Jesus, not me
Lam 3:1-26

Glen Hanna
3-Sep-2023 17:00

Glen Hanna
27-Aug-2023 17:00

All my hope
Psalm 62:1-12

Glen Hanna
27-Aug-2023 10:30

Glen Hanna
16-Jul-2023 17:00

Jesus lifts us up
Mark 9:14-29

Glen Hanna
2-Jul-2023 17:00

Taste and see
Psalm 34:1-8

Mark Gladwell
11-Jun-2023 10:30

Hope fully
1 Peter 1:1-13

Hamish Summers
28-May-2023 10:30

David Hircock
21-May-2023 10:30

Wisdom for life
Proverbs 3:5-6
What to do and what not to do in life - that is the question.

Jonathan Gardner
14-May-2023 10:30

Why church matters
Rev 20:1 - Rev 21:27
Why bother with church? What is there to celebrate on a church anniversary? This passage gives us three reasons.

Keith Johns
7-May-2023 10:30
172nd Church Anniversary

Hope in the face of suffering
Jeremy Marshall - Christian husband, father and author talks honestly and hopefully about living with incurable cancer. His voice was very weak as can be heard in the audio.

Jeremy Marshall
22-Apr-2023 19:00
Living with incurable cancer

1 John 1
1 John 1:1-10

Tim Gardner
16-Apr-2023 10:30

The Risen Lord
Luke 23:50-24:12

Glen Hanna
9-Apr-2023 10:30
Easter 2023

Psalm 139
Psalm 139:1-24

David Hircock
19-Mar-2023 10:30

Jesus is present
Psalm 23:1-6

Glen Hanna
12-Mar-2023 17:00
Psalm 23

Glen Hanna
5-Mar-2023 17:00

Glen Hanna
29-Jan-2023 17:00

Children of God
John 1:1-18

Glen Hanna
8-Jan-2023 17:00

Glen Hanna
4-Dec-2022 17:00
Communion Dec 2022

A sheltered life
Psalm 16:1-16

Glen Hanna
13-Nov-2022 17:00
Psalm 16

The value of a soul
Matthew 8:28-34

Glen Hanna
6-Nov-2022 10:30

Glen Hanna
1-Nov-2022 12:00
Christ's comfort

The Lord's prayer
Matthew 6:1-18

Dan Jarvis
16-Oct-2022 10:30

Plentiful harvest
Matthew 9:14-38

Glen Hanna
9-Oct-2022 10:30
Harvest 2022

Glen Hanna
2-Oct-2022 17:00

Glen Hanna
21-Aug-2022 17:00

A new king
Exodus 1:1-22

Dan Jarvis
22-May-2022 10:30

Hamish Summers
24-Apr-2022 10:30

Bill Gardner
13-Mar-2022 10:30
Psalm 42

Glen Hanna
6-Feb-2022 17:00

In his hands
Psalm 31:1-24
David has his troubles, but rests in the knowledge that his times are in God's hands. Can we say the same?

Glen Hanna
9-Jan-2022 10:30
Psalm 31

God is good
Psalm 107:1-43
This psalm is about people like us who can celebrate God's great love in all the seasons of our lives.

Glen Hanna
24-Oct-2021 10:30
Harvest: Psalm 107

Hamish Summers
10-Oct-2021 10:30

David Skull
23-May-2021 10:30

Look unto Jesus
Heb 12:1-13
We can't escape life's trials and worries, but there is a cure for them.

Bill Gardner
11-Apr-2021 10:30

Why do you doubt?
John 20:19-31
Doubt deprives us of God's peace and blessing. This Easter Sunday, let us stand in Thomas' shoes and, seeing Jesus, confess him our Lord and our God.

Glen Hanna
4-Apr-2021 10:30

God of the Impossible
Jer 32:1-25
Jeremiah buys a field when it seems pointless to do so. But that's because he looks beyond what he can see to the great power and outstretched arm of his God.

Bill Gardner
21-Mar-2021 10:30

Extraordinary people
Ephesians 1:3-6

Bill Gardner
21-Feb-2021 10:30

Bill Gardner
27-Dec-2020 10:30

Bill Gardner
25-Dec-2020 10:30

Bill Gardner
4-Oct-2020 10:30

He is able
Ephesians 3:20-21

Bill Gardner
15-Mar-2020 17:00
Ephesians 3

Out of the depths
Psalm 130:1-8

Bill Gardner
15-Mar-2020 10:30

Bill Gardner
23-Feb-2020 17:00

Bill Gardner
23-Feb-2020 10:30

Paul Mayo

Hamish Summers
John 2

The love of Jesus
John 15:12-17

Bill Gardner

Glen Hanna
5-Jan-2020 17:00

Glen Hanna
5-Jan-2020 10:30
2020 Text for the year

Glen Hanna
Christmas Day

Glen Hanna

Rejoicing in trials
1 Peter 1: 1-7

Bill Gardner
1 Peter 1

Delightful praise
Psalm 92:1-4

Bill Gardner

Glen Hanna

Bill Gardner
Ephesians 4

Bill Gardner
27-Oct-2019 17:00

Bill Gardner
27-Oct-2019 10:30

Missing the Harvest
Jer 8:4-22
Harvest is a time for thanksgiving and a time for taking stock. The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and are we saved?

Glen Hanna
Harvest 2019

Bill Gardner
15-Sep-2019 17:00

Bill Gardner
15-Sep-2019 10:30

Mike Swales
1-Sep-2019 17:00
Jesus feeds the 5000

Mike Swales
1-Sep-2019 10:30
Psalm 3

Peter Ninnis
11-Aug-2019 17:00

Peter Ninnis

William Smith
4-Aug-2019 17:00
Psalm 75

William Smith

Bill Gardner
Isa 46

Brian Edwards
7-Jul-2019 17:00

Brian Edwards
7-Jul-2019 10:30
Philip the disciple

Paul Spear

Peter Ninnis
2-Jun-2019 17:00

Peter Ninnis
2-Jun-2019 10:30

The self-denial of Christ
Philippians 2:5-11

Bill Gardner

Tom Allen
19-May-2019 17:00
Psalm 136

Tom Allen
19-May-2019 10:30
Parable of the sower

Bill Gardner
21-Apr-2019 17:00
Luke 24:36-49

Glen Hanna
Luke 24:13-35 (Easter Sunday)

Bill Gardner
Genesis 22:1-24

Bill Gardner
Romans 8:18-24

John Benton
10-Mar-2019 17:00
Phil 1:27-2:18

John Benton
10-Mar-2019 10:30
Phil 1:1-26

Bill Gardner
24-Feb-2019 17:00
Psalm 119:137-144

Bill Gardner
Psalm 119:137-144

Bill Gardner
Ephesians 5:1

Bill Gardner
2 Pet 1:8

Glen Hanna
1 Cor 15:58