Acomb Baptist Church

Together knowing Jesus and making him known

Family Slots

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Remi Bako
21-Jul-2024 18:45
Family Slots

For God So Loved The World - Family Service
14/07/2024 - John 3:16-21, Romans 8:31-39 (MSG), Ephesians 2:1-10.

Julia King
14-Jul-2024 10:45

Alison Sweasey
7-Jul-2024 10:45
Family Slots

God is King
30/06/2024 - Romans 8:28.

Dave Whyman
30-Jun-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Derick Frary
23-Jun-2024 10:45

Father Day

Alan Hall
16-Jun-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Mary Slessor

Remi Bako
9-Jun-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Older People

Alison Sweasey
2-Jun-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Faint and Weary
26/05/2024 Jeremiah 31:25.

Dave Whyman
26-May-2024 10:45
Family Slot

The Holy Spirit

Derick and Kathy Frary
19-May-2024 10:45
Family Slots

George Muller
05/05/204 -

Remi Bako
5-May-2024 10:45
Family Slots

The Three Trees

Alison Sweasey
28-Apr-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Use Your Gifts

Dave Whyman
21-Apr-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Susan Hall
14-Apr-2024 10:45
Family Slots


Alan Hall
7-Apr-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Palm Sunday

Alison Sweasey
24-Mar-2024 10:45
Family Slots

King of Kings

Dave Whyman
17-Mar-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Wooden Hearts

Derick Frary
10-Mar-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Plant Talk

Alan Hall
3-Mar-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
25-Feb-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Love One Another
18/02/2024 Romans 12:10.

Julia King
18-Feb-2024 10:45

The Chosen

Dave Whyman
11-Feb-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Biblical Love
04/02/2024 John 15:12-14.

Derick and Kathy Frary
4-Feb-2024 10:45
Family Slots

The Vine
28/01/2024 John 15:1-11.

Alan Hall
28-Jan-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Bezalel and Oholiab
21/01/2024 Exodus 31:1-11.

Carolyn Ray
21-Jan-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Jelly and ?

Chris Ray
14-Jan-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Dave Whyman
7-Jan-2024 10:45
Family Slots

Shaving Foam Love
31/12/2023 1 Corinthians 13:1.

Derick and Kathy Frary
31-Dec-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Three Magi

Alan Hall
24-Dec-2023 10:40
Family Slots

Chris Ray
10-Dec-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Alan Hall
3-Dec-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Spider Plants

Susan Hall
26-Nov-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
19-Nov-2023 10:45
Family Slots


Chris Ray
12-Nov-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
5-Nov-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Love has a hold
29/10/2023 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT).

Alan Hall
29-Oct-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Keziah Robinson
22-Oct-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Creating Things

Chris Ray
15-Oct-2023 10:45
Family Slots

One Tube Many Smarties
08/10/2023 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. Revelation 22:18.

Carolyn Ray
8-Oct-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Giving Thanks

Chris Ray
1-Oct-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet
24/09/2023 Psalm 119:105.

Dave Whyman
24-Sep-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Perspective / Unbelief
10/09/2023 Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT); Mark 9:16-26 (NLT). See for images

Helen Atkinson
10-Sep-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy Frary
3-Sep-2023 10:45
Family Slots

What is Truth?

Karen Frodsham
27-Aug-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
20-Aug-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Dave Whyman
13-Aug-2023 10:45
Family Slots


Derick and Kathy Frary
6-Aug-2023 10:45
Family Slots

New School

Richard Craigen
30-Jul-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Holding One Another Up
23/07/2023 - Ex 17:12-13 NLT.

Helen Atkinson
23-Jul-2023 10:45
Family Slots

I Have Called You Friends
09/07/2023 - John 15:15.

Chris Ray
9-Jul-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Tour de France
02/07/2023 - Romans 5:3-4.

Dave Whyman
2-Jul-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Derick and Kathy Frary
25-Jun-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Reflecting God

Richard Craigen
18-Jun-2023 10:45
Family Slots

In All Things God Works For The Good...
11/06/2023 - Isaiah 61:3 (NLT), Romans 8:28 (NLT).

Helen Atkinson
11-Jun-2023 10:45
Family Slots

God Keeps His Promises - Bubbles
04/06/2023 - Numbers 23:19 (NLT), Psalm 90:2 (TPT), James 1:17 (NLT).

Julia King
4-Jun-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
28-May-2023 10:45
Family Slots

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
21/05/2023 - Exodus 3:6.

Chris Ray
21-May-2023 10:45
Family Slots

God Knows and Cares for Us
14/05/2023 - Psalm 139:13-14.

Derick and Kathy Frary
14-May-2023 10:40
Family Slots


Dave Whyman
7-May-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
23-Apr-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Tom Thumb
16/04/2023 - Matthew 28:20.

Derick and Kathy Frary
16-Apr-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Believing Without Seeing
09/04/2023 - John 20:29.

Carolyn Ray
9-Apr-2023 10:40
Family Slots


Chris Ray
2-Apr-2023 10:45
Family Slots


David Whyman
26-Mar-2023 10:40
Family Slots

Encourage One Another
19/03/2023 - 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

Helen Atkinson
19-Mar-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Be Prepared to give an Answer
12/03/2023 - 1 Peter 3:15.

Julia King
12-Mar-2023 10:40
Family Slots

Living Water
26/02/2023 - John 4:13-14.

Linked File: uses_of_water.pdf

Carolyn Ray
26-Feb-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Do Not Worry
12/02/2023 - Matthew 6:25-34.

Derick & Kathy Frary
12-Feb-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Names of God

Dave Whyman
5-Feb-2023 10:40
Family Slots

29/01/2023 - Matthew 6:14-15.

Derick & Kathy Frary
29-Jan-2023 10:40
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
22-Jan-2023 10:45
Family Slots

The Reason for Our Hope
15/01/2023 - Hebrews 6:18-20.

Julia King
15-Jan-2023 10:45
Family Slots

The Greatest Commandment
08/01/2023 - Matthew 22:37.

Carolyn Ray
8-Jan-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Listen to the Voices of the Past
01/01/2023 - Jeremiah 6:16 (ESV), Jeremiah 6:16 (NLT).

Chris Ray
1-Jan-2023 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
11-Dec-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Just Get On With It
04/12/2022 - Colossians 3:17 (NLT).

Helen Atkinson
4-Dec-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
27-Nov-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Daily Bread
Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4.

Richard Craigen
20-Nov-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
13-Nov-2022 10:40
Family Slots

Chris Ray
6-Nov-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Changing the Conversation
Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT), Ephesians 3:20:21 (NLT).

Helen Atkinson
30-Oct-2022 10:45
Family Slots

David Whyman
23-Oct-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
16-Oct-2022 10:40
Family Slots

Julia King
9-Oct-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
2-Oct-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
18-Sep-2022 10:45
Family Slots

God's Faithfulness
Lamentations 3:22-26 (NLT).

Helen Atkinson
11-Sep-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Dave Whyman
4-Sep-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy & Derick Frary
28-Aug-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
14-Aug-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Running the Race
Hebrews 12:1-3.

Carolyn Ray
7-Aug-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Oh Wow!

Kristina pp Dave Whyman
31-Jul-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Good Habits
Colossians 3:12-15 (NLT).

Helen Atkinson
17-Jul-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
10-Jul-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
3-Jul-2022 10:45
Family Slots

God's Plans For Us
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Carolyn Ray
26-Jun-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
19-Jun-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Dave Wyman
12-Jun-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy and Derick Frary
5-Jun-2022 10:45
Family Slots

I Will Give You Rest
Matthew 11:28-30.

Julia King
29-May-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
22-May-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Jesus is Coming - Be Ready
Matthew 24:44 (TPT)

Julia King
8-May-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Matthew 6:25-27.

Helen Atkinson
1-May-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Mt 28:16-19.

Dave Whyman
24-Apr-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Derick and Kathy Frary
17-Apr-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
10-Apr-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
3-Apr-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
27-Mar-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Times of Trouble
Psalm 46:1-7.

Helen Atkinson
13-Mar-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
6-Mar-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
27-Feb-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Bad Weather
Psalm 46:1.

Dave Whyman
20-Feb-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Love for Each Other
John 13:34-35.

Kathy and Derick Frary
13-Feb-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Winning as many as possible
1 Corinthians 9:19-22.

Julia King
6-Feb-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Tony Bower (YoYo)
30-Jan-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
23-Jan-2022 10:45
Family Slots

The Twelve (Thirteen) Disciples
Peter's Jars of Jam And Peanut Butter Make The Tastiest, Juiciest Sandwiches. Mmmmm. Luke 6:1216.

Carolyn Ray
16-Jan-2022 10:45
Family Slots

God's Representartives
Colossians 3:17 (New Living Translation)

Helen Atkinson
9-Jan-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Dave Whyman
2-Jan-2022 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy Frary
26-Dec-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Psalm 27:13-14.

Julia King
12-Dec-2021 10:45

Richard Craigen
5-Dec-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
28-Nov-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
21-Nov-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
14-Nov-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Derick & Kathy Frary
31-Oct-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
24-Oct-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
17-Oct-2021 10:45

Red Dot Spots
Matthew 28:16-20

Linked File: reddots.pdf

Susan Hall
10-Oct-2021 10:45

Carolyn Ray
3-Oct-2021 10:45
Family Service

Helen Atkinson
26-Sep-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Dave Whyman
19-Sep-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Colossians 3:12-14.

Kathy & Derick Frary
12-Sep-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
29-Aug-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
22-Aug-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Matthew 5:54-7:27.

David Whyman
8-Aug-2021 10:45

Kathy & Derick Frary
1-Aug-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
11-Jul-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Peace be with you
John 20:19-22.

Kathy & Derick Frary
27-Jun-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
20-Jun-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Jesus' Portrait
John 1:1-5.

Chris Ray
30-May-2021 11:00
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
23-May-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Derick & Kathy Frary
16-May-2021 10:45

Helen Atkinson
9-May-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
2-May-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Shine Your Light
John 20:31 and Matthew 5:14.br br

Chris Ray
25-Apr-2021 10:45
Family Slots

I am With You Always
Matthew 28:19-20.

Carolyn Ray
18-Apr-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Derick & Kathy Frary
11-Apr-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Julia King
4-Apr-2021 10:35
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
28-Mar-2021 10:45

This Time Tomorrow
1 Peter 3:15

Carolyn Ray
22-Mar-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Showing Love
1 John 4:9.

Carolyn Ray
14-Mar-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy & Derick Frary
7-Mar-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
21-Feb-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
14-Feb-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Grace and Mercy
Hebrews 4:16.

Carolyn Ray
7-Feb-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Stir up one-another
Hebrews 10:24.

Derick & Kathy Frary
31-Jan-2021 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson (compere)
24-Jan-2021 10:45
Family Slots

New Year Resolutions
Philippians 4:13.

Derick and Kathy Frary
27-Dec-2020 10:40
Family Slots

Chris Ray
25-Dec-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
13-Dec-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Luke 2:1-7. (New Living Translation.)

Carolyn Ray
29-Nov-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Sparkles from God
The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder


Carolyn Ray
22-Nov-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Blessed are those who are persecuted
Matthew 5:10.
Link to Open Doors Prayer Passport at top of page.

Carolyn Ray
1-Nov-2020 10:45
Family Slots

The Tip of The Iceberg
Link to Image at top of page.

Derick and Kathy Frary
25-Oct-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
18-Oct-2020 10:45
Family Slot

Richard Craigen
11-Oct-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
4-Oct-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
27-Sep-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Derick & Kathy Frary
20-Sep-2020 10:45
Family Slots

The Amazing Things God has Done
Psalm 96:1-3. Press - 'more' on the pop-up, then select 'New Living Translation'.

Helen Atkinson
13-Sep-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
6-Sep-2020 10:45

Chris Ray
30-Aug-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
23-Aug-2020 10:45

The Kathy And Derick Duo
16-Aug-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Chris Ray
26-Jul-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Through all Generations
Psalm 90:1, Hebrews 12:1-4.

Carolyn Ray
19-Jul-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
12-Jul-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy Frary
5-Jul-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
28-Jun-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
7-Jun-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Rivers of Living Water
Atacama desert image available here:

Derick and Kathy Frary
31-May-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
24-May-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
19-Apr-2020 10:35
Family Slots

Richard Craigen
15-Mar-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Kathy Frary
8-Mar-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
1-Mar-2020 10:45
Family Slot

Richard Craigen
23-Feb-2020 10:40
Family slots

Chris Ray
16-Feb-2020 10:45
Family Slots

Helen Atkinson
9-Feb-2020 10:50
Family Slot

Richard Craigen
29-Dec-2019 10:45
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray
22-Dec-2019 11:00
Family Slot

Helen Atkinson
8-Dec-2019 10:45
Family Slots

Maryanne Uwaezuoke
17-Nov-2019 11:00

Family slot. Hebrews 11:1-40.

Carolyn Ray
10-Nov-2019 10:45

Life doesn't get any better than this.
Chocolate. Pizza. Life doesn't get any better than this!

Chris Ray
27-Oct-2019 10:50
Family Slots

Carolyn Ray

What are you doing this summer?
Family Slot, Sunday morning service 11 August 2019

Chris Ray
11-Aug-2019 11:00

Encourage one another
1Th 5:5-11 (New Living Translation).

Julia King
12-May-2019 11:00

A-Z of God.
Sunday Morning Service 28 April 2019.

Chris Ray
28-Apr-2019 11:00

Going to Chad
Family Slot, Sunday morning service 31 March 2019.

Julia King
31-Mar-2019 11:00
Family slots