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Kate McCurrach
8-Feb-2020 09:00
Revelation 21:4

Richard Allan
12-Jan-2020 11:00
Matthew 3:13-17

Mark Thomas
24-Nov-2019 11:00
Luke 19:1-10

Emma Pendlebury
17-Aug-2019 09:00
Ephesians 2:10

Greg Prior
18-May-2019 09:00
Proverbs 3:5-6

Richard Allan
3-Feb-2019 18:30
Psalm 34

Vision Sunday 2019
Not a long list of goals, instead a simple prayer and yearning for every individual in our community :-)

Greg Cushing
20-Jan-2019 10:00
Galatians 2:20

Greg Cushing
11-Nov-2018 11:00
John 15:13

In our series on Key Christian Words we explore the wonderful blessing of prayer - what prayer is, how to do it, and what the blessings are it brings...

Greg Cushing
17-Jun-2018 11:00
Philippians 4:6-7

Greg Cushing
4-Mar-2018 11:00
Matthew 28:16-20

The 4 ingredients of an awesome community!
Marc's 1st sermon with us; given to three churches worshipping together - what better time to preach on community. God's family is awesome, trust Marc he left home for two years to be with us!

Marc Harst
14-Feb-2018 18:30
Acts 2:42-47

Mark Thomas
Mark 1:14-20

Stan Adams
23-Jul-2017 10:00
2 Kings 5:1-14

The Supremacy of Christ
People put Jesus up on the podium of the greats! One small problem - the podium can't hold Jesus - in fact Jesus created the podium and all the greats...

Greg Cushing
16-Jul-2017 18:30
Colossians 1:15-20

What is humility?
Three examples of people who understood Christ's humility...

Mal Riley
16-Jul-2017 10:00
Philippians 2:1-11

Vision Sunday
We very rarely preach on giving, but when we do the 1st Century Macedonian Christians have a lot to teach us. What is our faith worth to us?

Greg Cushing
23-Apr-2017 10:00
2 Corinthians 8:1-5

The power of forgiveness!
Recognising sin in our lives can be hard - all too easily pride gets in the way. It can also be very humbling. However, knowing we have a Saviour who loves us despite our sin can be life changing...

Greg Cushing
2-Apr-2017 10:00
Luke 7:36-50

No condemnation in Jesus Christ!
What better verse to preach on at a baptism? What better verse to learn for life's long journey? Christian's have a new status and a new identity...

Greg Cushing
19-Mar-2017 10:00
Romans 8:1

The Parable of the Lost Son
The most famous short story ever told! Are you rebellious or are you religious? Either way God offers you a relationship...

Greg Cushing
29-Jan-2017 18:30
Luke 15:11-32

Matt Prior
8-Jan-2017 10:00
John 15

Advent - how to inspire preparation for Christmas!
Isaiah prophecies Christs coming, and in so doing we're invited to emulate Zechariahs joyful blessing of the birth of his son John - Christ's immediate forerunner...

Roger Brockway
Isaiah 40:1-11 and Luke 1:1-25

Jesus - The Serpent Crusher!
After The Fall God could've quite easily said enough is enough and thrown away his plans for creation like a failed attempt at baking a cake. Instead he injects hope - welcome Jesus...

Greg Cushing
27-Nov-2016 10:00
Genesis 3:15

The Cross trumps the Wedge of Separation!
We can be more than conquerors because of Jesus' love for us! Jesus bears the price of our sin so that nothing can condemn us - do you know this love?

Mike Barton
6-Nov-2016 18:30
Romans 8:31-39